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Image published 24 April, 2005
Eye Drops, take two

The new snack delight from Goblinson's, the makers of Saltes Slugs, Squid Squash, Hellhound Toenail Crispies and all your other favourite goodies: Eye Drops! Taste like the real thing, but last longer (and really do not watch you at all, honest).
On sale in a snack shop near you, or order directly from Goblinson's, Mount Desperation, The Tunnel Leading To The Sulphur Pit, First Cave On The Right. The idea lodged itself into my head when I looked up the translation of 'Augentropfen', which is 'Eye Drops'.
The smallprint in the lower right reads 'contains 25% real eye, mostly human', the rest is hopefully legible.
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