Currently running: Flash Fiction Fishbowl prompt call
This is a science fiction setting initially inspired by the idea of cyborgs, artificial bodies, and making switching a brain between bodies so routine some people do it for recreation.
To make sure people can recognise each other despite switching bodies, everyone has a unique ID taking the shape of a design built into, or applied to, the face of a humanoid body, or an easy to see location for others. There are both laws and strong taboos against obscuring or faking an ID.
- Immersive Holiday (previously titled "Identity") is the first published story, playing with the concept a bit.
- Identity Theft looks at criminal activity, and has no close relation with the above.
- Betrayed from Within is a snapshop of activity in a police station in a crisis
Named Characters
- Hal (presumably has a last name, which isn't decided) - viewpoint character of Immersive Holiday
- Karison (last name) - police officer, viewpoint character of Betrayed from Within
- Nirre (may be a first or last name) - police officer, appears in Betrayed from Within