Currently running: Flash Fiction Fishbowl prompt call
Published 24 January, 2013
Second Childhood
Marco picked up his son and took him away from the wail-filled bedroom, so his wife could take care of her father. Over the last months the old man had deteriorated; by now he was so confused he could hardly speak, and threw tantrums like a toddler.
His little grandson at the same time had grown quiet, watching with wide eyes.
The boy knew his parents thought his grandfather’s behaviour disturbed him. That was all right.
He also knew quite soon they would be thrilled with how smart he would turn out.
The same had happened a lifetime ago.
Fiction tags: Third person Flash Fiction Fantasy Horror and Dark
Wonderfully creepy and unexpected. I liked this. :)
And so the circle of life continues. Cheeky little one.
Adam B @revhappiness
Creepy bugger! Never trusted children to begin with, though, so wouldn't be surprised to learn they were secretly greedy old men.
I don't think all of them are. Some may be greedy old women. ;)