Currently running: Flash Fiction Fishbowl prompt call
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Image published 09 June, 2012
It's not a dragon, but close enough

That would be Suitov Iceheart, Warlord, Battle-mage, and all around geek. Character belongs to H. Baskerville (of )
Postcard/A6 size, markers
Image Galleries: Finished Others' Creations Markers Humans Humanoids Animals Portraits Small Formats Postcards Reptiles and Amphibia Gift- and Trade-art Drawings Profusion for Herm Other/mixed Coloured Comic style Lizards Colour Abstract Background
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Comments and feedback are always appreciated!
That is completely adorable. <3 I love the caption!
Thank you. :) The character has a fascination with dragons, so it made sense.
That background is an actual thing of genius. I don't even know why it works so well. But it does.
I bet he recently released that lizard to run around and was crawling through bushes after it to see where it went.
Maybe because it's HIS colour. :D