Currently running: Flash Fiction Fishbowl prompt call
Image published 09 June, 2012
tagged Animals
Badger at Play

I got a request for a badger riding a tricycle and holding a balloon, so here it is.
Postcard/A6 size, markers
Available as cards and postcards on,, .de, etc.
Image Galleries: Vehicles Finished Random Images Markers Animals Single Figures Small Formats Postcards Mammals Drawings Other/mixed Coloured Outside Comic style Mustelids Colour
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Basically the best badger ever, everybody!
Now I look at those hind feet, they're pretty ideal for pushing pedals. Broad, short and blunt. Miracle of evolution? I THINK SO.
Fun fact: The owner of this picture, a friend of mine, is a cyclist. I like to imagine the trike-badger following behind the bike, balloon bobbing graciously.