Currently running: Flash Fiction Fishbowl prompt call
Image published 17 April, 2003
Cheese Golem

The idea cheese-golem wasn't new... on one of my first random-picture-tours through Elfwood I came across a picture of a normal golem. In one of the comments it was called 'cheesy'. I didn't (and don't) fully understand what it means, but it gave me ideas. And the girl with cat... probably 'Wag the Dog'. Oh, he isn't going to hurt her, but he's badly in need of a cat. Faber Castell Artist Pens, coloured and normal pencils
Image Galleries: Finished Random Images Mixed media Humans Humanoids Animals Scenes Full Sheet Mammals Felids Other/mixed Coloured In Front of a Wall Comic style Robots and Golems Colour Domestic Cats
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