
tagged Comics

Comic: Masking Fluid

comic strip

tagged Nico Comics

Masking Fluid

Masking Fluid

'nother of those silly things, painting the fourth wall. It's an idea I got while working on "The Second Wall".

I'm afraid seeing the thumbnail first rather spoils the effect.

All elements were drawn on paper with a Pentel brush pen (because trying to draw digitally from scratch I don't get the pressure/line weight control I wanted), and arranged after scanning. I drew the smiley face only once, in black, and used colour inversion and layer setings ("addition") to get the effect in the second panel.

I think those stick figures are a help practising balance and such.

tagged Fantasy Comics Phoenixes



Drawn for a Daily Drawing prompt.

I drew the first page back in Ocotober, and finally got back to it with the second page now.

Drawn using various ink pens, including a Pentel brush pen.

tagged Nico Comics Daaren

The Second Wall

The Second Wall

Just a silly little idea.

Mostly drawn with a Pentel brush pen (apart from panel borders, for which a fixed-width pen worked better), lettered digitally.

tagged Comics

Oh my dear Nightcrawler

Manifest Destiny - Nightcrawler is a one-shot comic from a few months back.
For those not following Marvel Comics: "Manifest Destiny" refers to the X-Men moving from New York State to San Francisco.

I really do wonder what the hell Marvel writers/editors were thinking when they took the label for an idea that boils down to "We must take away land from inferior humans, because God made us superior" and apply it to the X-Men.

Anyway, spoilers will follow.

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