
tagged Animals Birds Owls

Owl Wood

Owl Wood

Watercolour, about 23x25 cm/9x10 inches.

Finished version of a Sketch Fest sketch

tagged Animals Owls

Elemental Owls

Elemental Owls

The four classic elements are an old favourite for themed sets.

I guess I should practise the whole patiently-working-on-details thing, but I'll just leave those like this.

Acrylic paint on 640g/sqm bristol board.

So... YAY, I met the Owltober challenge - sort of. One for each day, even if made in bursts rather than daily.

tagged Animals Owls

Fruity Owls

Fruity Owls

You know, I have no idea.

If I manage another set of four tomorrow, I'll have made the Owltober challenge, more or less. Whee.

tagged Animals Owls

Page Owls

Page Owls

I got the idea from http://endless-spirit.deviantart.com/art/Pages-276-277-180908430

Un-pencilled sketches in ink pen (for all but the top right one including Pentel brush pen) on book pages.

The upper left one is sold, the other three available.

If I disappear, I will have been killed by a certain bibliophile mage, but since he's fictional, that's unlikely to happen.

tagged Animals Owls

Hear no Evil...

Hear no Evil...

Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil...

I'd noticed that I find it easier to complete small sets than a bunch of unrelated ACEOs, so I brainstormed some possible themes for set. This one, well... "Hear" and "See" occurred pretty easily. "Speak" is... special. *cough*

Each is the usual 2.5 by 2.5, in ink(wash) on bristol board.

tagged Animals Owls Chimaeras

Striped Owltopus

Striped Owltopus

Finished version of a Sketch Fest, er, sketch.

I wanted to try a watercolour-only painting (well, apart from the thin outlines), but ended up adding a few highlights with white ink, too.

5x7 format.

tagged Animals Owls

Happy Owl

Happy Owl

's actually the first thing I drew for Owltober, and since it doesn't look like I'll add anything in the style, it's going up alone now.

ACEO, acrylic inks on bristol paper.

tagged Animals Owls



Way back when I did an ACEO series with fantasy creatured in rainbow colours. This set turned out better, particularly since I allowed myself to use other colours for the background. Yellow is particularly tricky for me, because I tend to sort things as "yellowish orange" or "yellowish green" pretty quickly.

Those are all ACEOs - meaning 3.5 by 2.5 inches - on 600+ g/sqm bristol board, made using watercolours, colour pencils, matte acrylic paint, more colour pencil, acrylic ink, and a bit of PITT artist pen.

They're available for sale, for 8$ each or if the first asker wants all, 40$ as a set, shipping included. (Or they'll go up on Etsy in a while, where shipping will be extra)
I'm also open to trading, though. :)

tagged Animals Owls

Ink Owls

Ink Owls

Three more Owltober pics, even with each their own title: "Dinner on the Mind", "Waiting for Snow" and "Hoo-Hoo". :D

I'd been playing with brushes and ink this afternoon, and those are the results.

Once again ACEOs (3.5 by 2.5 inches), on bristol paper/cardstock.

tagged Animals Owls

Owl Spirits

Owl Spirits

Barn owls look spooky (when they're full grown, as opposed to little fluffballs).
Also, drawing them like that saves me the hassle of drawing their feet. :D

Those are all painted on seriously heavy duty watercolour paper, in ACEO format - 2.5 by 3.5 inches. I mainly used acrylic ink, but there's a bit of other stuff mixed in.

The top right one is sold, the other available.

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