Fairy Tales

An Unsafe Path

Genre: Fantasy, Fairy Tale
Setting: Annach
Summary: A treavelling apothecary seems to be an easy target for robbers. But she has a trick up her sleeve.
Content Notes/Warnings: violent death, not described in detail.
Words: 569

First Dates With A Mirror

Genre: Fantasy, Fairy Tale
Summary: Mira added a new mirror to her collection, and gets to know it.
Words: 355

tagged Fantasy Fairy Tales

How Copperfield Got Its Name, And Why Pennies Are Iron These Days

Genre: Fairy Tale
Summary: Kiv wanted enough money for himself, but ended up with more than enough.
Words: 248


Setting: seems to be the same one as Wishmaking
Genre: Fantasy, Fairy Tale
Summary: An old man tries to cheat his prospective heirs by avoiding to die.
Notes/warnings: Central character is nasty. May be creepy due to magical transformation with unintended consequences.
Words: 561

tagged Fairy Tales

The Sleeper's Bride

Setting: ?
Genre: Fantasy, Fairy Tale, depending on your definittion Romance
Summary: A woman wakes up after 100 years with patchy memory, and still hopes to find her bethroted
Words: 987

I remember passing through a town that swore they’d had a “sleeping beauty”, who had been on display in a glass coffin in the city hall for a century. They had at least half a dozen stories how she got there - her parents insulted a fairy, her father cursed having a daughter rather than a son, you know the kind.

All the stories agreed that she did wake up after a hundred years, and was, like you are when you sleep too long, not entirely clear in the head.

And here’s a story of what happened afterwards.


Setting: ?
Genre: Fantasy, Fairy tale
Summary: Everybody knows that a magic cap makes you invisible. And some people know how.
Notes: Prompted by Ellen Million
Words: 100


Setting: ?
Genre: Fantasy/Fairy Tale
Summary: The shortest way to Kree's goal has its own rules, and toll to be paid.
Warnings: (highlight to read) mention/threat of cannibalism
Note: Combines prompts from Herm, Becky, and Ellen.
Words: 100

Fiction tags: Drabbles Fantasy Fairy Tales


On the way from a far-flung field back to her home, a farmer met a young priest, and they exchanged greetings.

She said, “Looks like rain tomorrow.”

“Why do you say that?” asked the city-bred priest.

“Rain follows a red sunset quite often.”

“The Maker crafted the physical world in mystery. Faith in providence will easy your heart, not trying to understand.”

The farmer, unsurprised since she was used to the ways of young priests, paraphrased different scripture, “The Maker gave us eyes to see, and a mind to think.”

When they parted ways, the priest thought hard.

Aldersprig gave me the prompts "training" and "theocracy", which is where I started, though I wandered away a little.

tagged Fantasy Plants

Wisdom on the Mountain

Hala struggled up the mountain step by painful step, hunching her shoulders against the cold, but she would not give up. The Cursed Wisewoman’s advice was her last hope; if she could not find her, she might as well die here.

Sharp edges cut her fingers when she had to climb a steep outcrop.. Icy wind spooled her breath from her lungs - but the sight when she crested the obstacle took it away entirely. An old oak tree, more trunk than branches, huddled in the lee of a boulder. An old, lined face formed of craggy bark was too clearly visible to be a trick of the light.

When Hala approached the Wisewoman of legend, a creak announced the opening of her eyes. Yellow-brown and baleful they regarded the human woman.

Hala swallowed and took a few deep breaths, gathering thin air in her lungs. “Honoured Wisdom, I request your help.”

“Yeeeers, of course you do. And what do you have for me?”

“I…” This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. And the Wisewoman shouldn’t sound so petulant.

“Oh, girl, even a tree needs to live. I’m sure what you’re going to ask about is important, but I’m not gonna tell you a thing if you don’t bring me at least a bucket of dung.”

“And lug it up here?” Indignation was burning away Hala’s confusion.

“You have limbs that move, so stop complaining. Not a word.” The slash in the bark that was her mouth closed and fused, as did her eyes. Her entire face seemed to retract deeper into the tree, turning from a marvel to a bit of chance.

Going numb inside, Hala turned around. Dung. So much for legends.

tagged Fairy Tales

Fairy Godparents

The guests at the Princess's christening were in awe, and her parents proud as could be, as the three wise women of the Realm had accepted their invitation. All noise stopped when the trio stepped up to the cradle to give her good wishes, in solemn voices sweet as summer wind.

“She shall have a mind clear as ice, so she can detect the flaw in any plan, thing, or person,” said the first.

“She shall have a heart strong as steel, so she won’t be hurt or swayed by trifles,” said the second.

“She shall have a tongue sharp as a knife, and wield it expertly,” said the third.

The suddenly stricken silence was broken by the door opening, a messenger bursting in unanounced and out of breath. “The wise women are dead. I saw their bodies in a ditch...”

The impostors let their glamour disperse, showing skin pale as snow and eyes dark as night sky. One smiled at the messenger, the other two bowed mockingly towards the parents, holding all present spellbound long enough for their parting words.

“She will be strong, and smart.”

“She will do all our Realms proud.”

All three faded like a mirage.

Based on the prompt "The fairy godparents aren't the nice sort of fairy." by rix-scaedu.

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