Setting: presumably real world Genre: Slice of life Summary: a hobby-photographer tries to come up with a present for a friend with the same hobby.. Words: 254
Setting: real world, presumably Genre: Slice of life, Humour Summary: Tigers need protection, definitely. Notes: prompted by Becky and Stefan Words: 100
Setting: presumably real world Genre: Slice of life Summary: Usually loud kid gets quiet. Does that mean trouble? Notes: prompted by Eliza and Deirdre Words: 100
Setting: Real world, probably Genre: Slice of life Summary: Lonely in a crowd. Notes: Combines prompts by Ellen Million, Becky Allen, and Herm Baskerville Words: 100
Setting: real world Genre: Slice of Life/Humour Summary: It's harvest time for the vegetable patch, and the beans have been doing particularly well. Notes/warnings: none Words: 298